
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."

Here I will share my journey of building, updating, and maintaining this website.

I will try yo use as less as possible of copilot when writing all of this, let's see how it goes.

Sunday Morning – The Velvet Underground

Uff, changed the design of the website, and created a efficient post system now i render the markdown in the server side, and show in the front-end, pretty cool. there is also some dates you see? i just need to create a .md file in the /posts

It Was A Good Day – Ice Cube

Saturday, what a good day to do... something.

Here's what i did today:

  • Decide weather to use Svelte or React for this project (Svelte won)
  • Set up a new Svelte project
  • Set up a new GitHub repository
  • Turn that first HTML into a Svelte component
  • Deploy the new Svelte project to S3 (A script to sync with S3 when deploying)
  • Create this Dev Blog (to be honest i'm writing this raw in the svelte component, i will find a better way eventually;)

There's also some stuff with infrastructure:

  • I want to handle sub-domains and also allow HTTPS in my website
  • Decide between CloudFront, Route53 + ALB (CloudFlare won, wait was that a option? ehhh yea it happens i can use it)
  • Set up CloudFlare for my domain (fairly easy to say, also the free tier is pretty good)
  • CloudFlare -> Route53 -> S3, that's ok i guess 👀

Let's Get It Started – Black Eyed Peas

Yea, I just got back from the beach, has been some time since I've worked on any personal project. Since I'm no longer at a job, let's do something.

The idea for this first day was:

  • Buy a domain with a cool name (I've been thinking about this one for a while)
  • Set up Route53 + S3 for hosting a simple static website
  • Ask GPT to write some random HTML

It works! It's alive! And it's a simple static website, but it's mine.