Here I will share my journey of building, updating, and maintaining this website.
I will try yo use as less as possible of copilot when writing all of this, let's see how it goes.
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
Here I will share my journey of building, updating, and maintaining this website.
I will try yo use as less as possible of copilot when writing all of this, let's see how it goes.
Uff, changed the design of the website, and created a efficient post system now i render the markdown in the server side, and show in the front-end, pretty cool. there is also some dates you see? i just need to create a .md file in the /posts
Saturday, what a good day to do... something.
Here's what i did today:
There's also some stuff with infrastructure:
Yea, I just got back from the beach, has been some time since I've worked on any personal project. Since I'm no longer at a job, let's do something.
The idea for this first day was:
It works! It's alive! And it's a simple static website, but it's mine.